Please note that this is a post I’ve written back in 2015, when I was ~14 years old (an 8th grade student).
It has been a long time ago since the last post, That’s because I’m being so busy programming the level editor.
I have uploaded various development videos to Youtube to see what I have done, And then created a playlist for them, There are 3 new videos and an old one motioned in the old post.
That was a lot of hard work to make it with clean, simple GUI !
Things have been done:#
- Clean, simple GUI
- Code drawn grid
- Quick object select bar
- New,Save and Load buttons
- Infinite maps
- Zoom In/Out with mouse scroll
- Snap-To-Grid object creation
- Static Rectangle
- Soft ball to play with
- Object options for customization of their properties
- Custom error screen with bug reports
- Level System API
Things to be done for the demo:#
- Ability to delete objects
- Level spawn
- Connected levels system
- Rectangles color option
- Player customization
- Test mode
- Main menu
- Add music/sounds to the game